Company Profile
President Greeting
House Mottoes
1. We shall provide products which people in the world need.
2. We shall support all our associates by promoting each other's prosperity
3. We shall build an ideal and humane workplace based on the spirit of equality
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Thank you for visiting to the web site of Mitsui High-tec, Inc.
Our mission is to provide goods which satisfy the needs of the people in the world by providing our customers with goods of the best quality that meets the demand of each era and the required quantity at a reasonable price when they need them.
We have been contributing to development of the electronics, automobile and industrial machinery not only in Japan but also all over the world by developing precise tooling for press, motor core, machine tools, leadframe and improving the productivity and preciseness dramatically based on high level processing skills.
As we enter the 21st century, we recognize that contributing to the clean energy field and meeting the global demands have become priority challenges that need to be addressed for our business growth. In accordance with the slogan that “Ultra-precision technology to shape tomorrow”, and “Save energy. Save earth. Save life.” as a pillar in our operating guidelines, we will contribute to produce products that will herald a bright prosperous future.